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Your Instructor

Dennis Crawley Jr.
Owner / Chief Facilitator

Owned by a Chicago based, Minority/Veteran whose focus is on providing individuals with the highest level of training and service. Dennis inspiration stems from his love for teaching and passion for providing generational opportunities to his children and to future inspiring entrepreneurs. From that mindset, CFESST was established in 2018

CFE Safety and Security Training, LLC has become a "One Stop Shop" for all of your Safety, Security and Life protection needs. Connect with us today and find what training opportunities are available for you!




Instructor Crawley has 13 years of Security Management experience at all levels along with

14+ years in the US Army Reserve and is currently a certified military instructor.

Accompanied by education from Moody Bible Institute and Trinity Ministries of Chicago

making Dennis an extremly versatile and adaptable instructor.


Dennis is a Subject matter expert in the following areas:

- Active Shooter Response Instructor

 A.L.I.C.E. institute.


- CPR/AED & First Aid (all Levels) Instructor / Instructor Trainer

American Red Cross


- IL Firearms Instructor




Dennis has good standing affiliations with ASIS International, ISPA Organization, Trinity

Association, and is an official Partner with the United State Concealed Carry

Association (USCCA), National Rifle Association and others!

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©2018 Crawley Family Enterprise, All rights reserved. 

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